Administrator's Tool Kit

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Detailed Question: Consider that resolution might be through military power, diplomacy, forming new countries, or curing the factors that lead to conflict.

REASON: 1 This dormant issue might erupt into a century long conflict and preoccupy the world for 100 years or more. It has a strong dogma and religious component and that could be hard to change.

REASON: 2 This issue reflects the crisis of national state in a globalizing world and the appearance of new, non-state global players

REASON: 3 Because of the cultural, religious, and refugee aspects, involvement of the most influential political factors worldwide, this is a flamboyant current clash of civilizations, affecting politics, economies and minds.

REASON: 4 Groups that sit outside thesystem will pose an ever greater threat to those in power. Their acts will divert resources and attention to security and monitoring and will heighten tensions mainly in relation to the Islamic - could lead to prolonged conflict across a broader stage

REASON: 5 The religion based conflicts are existing in every continent. Despite relatively low casualties compared to past centuries, and global wars, it seems nowadays that religious conflicts are among the few bases for feud among people. It is wrong to put all this on Muslim religion, as practically no major religion is spared from igniting feud. The impact on the society is much bigger than the direct casualty, as it drives fear, takes a lot of money to be invested in security, and deprives citizens of their basic writes. Without such conflicts, the world will be a much better place.

REASON: 6 The resolution of this conflict could affect the existing borders and or creation of new countries

REASON: 7 The issue is important because the activities of such organizations have impact not only on local populace but echoes are felt trough the world. (e.g. the refugee crisis)

REASON: 8 This issue is important, because is having influence on different other factors - social, political and economic

REASON: 9 ***Evolution in thinking; **diplomacy; ***Strong regional alliances.

REASON: 10 beliefs will exists forever. And always will be people to explore the beliefs of others to gain power. Only economic and social prosperity can counter that.

REASON: 11 Resolution will likely come in small steps and com[patants may endure in small cells

REASON: 12 In relation to ISIS per se, I believe the issue will be resolved or minimised within the next 10 years. However, looking at the issue of extremism as a whole, I believe with the death of one such organisation there is a birth of one or more new ones

REASON: 13 Human agression, lack of understanding, and striving for domination only transforms into 'innovative' forms over the centuries. Political resolutions of long-lived conflicts do occur, tumely or not, but interests of all parties can hardly be satisfied, I.e. resolutions themselves give rise to new conflicts.

REASON: 14 There are too many internal and external interests to be managed. It could take decades (1-2 generations)to erase this terror from mind`s of the local people.

REASON: 15 Maybe within the current century world leaders will understand that intervention in the internal affairs of sovereign states is in most cases counterproductive.

REASON: 16 New approaches to conflict resolution or All out war

REASON: 17 It took ages so far to reach this point and will take some more time.

REASON: 18 Stronger coallition; Need for UN to step in more vigorously; Delve deeper and find the beneficiaries of the conflict.

REASON: 19 Joint efforts of USA, Russia, EU, Turkey, Iran Saudi Arabia

REASON: 20 Political and economic interests of USA, Russia, EU, Turkey.

REASON: 21 It required to plan and implement an rapprochement of the societies, through soft policy actions: education, joint research, cultural activities, etc

REASON: 22 Globally coordinated efforts to address the underlying socio-economic causes of the issue.

REASON: 23 More humanity and good distribution of resourses

REASON: 24 Increase the living standard and education of the people in the region; drop jobs instead of bombs.

REASON: 25 Putting negotiations between local states first. Great Powers may have a final word but not a solution.

REASON: 26 withhold the invasive capital policy of Rich islamic countries creation of alternative perpetuum mobile source of energy to reduce the external interests to the region

REASON: 27 Start with the clergy Allowing ISIS and other such organizations to compete in the Olympics

REASON: 28 Cease the attempts of western powers to spread their version of democracy trough war and intervention in the internal affairs of sovereign states.

REASON: 29 only diplomacy among all countries could solve this issue = this means UN diplomacy

REASON: 30 both by increase fdi in these areas and fight ISIS

REASON: 31 Joint efforts to understand and avoid provocations and to be able to think globally, not localy

REASON: 32 Decreasing economic inequality will be a major driver. Educating societies in general human values will help too. so no single act will do the change, but general prosperity of the society.

REASON: 33 Investigation of ISIS wealth and efforts to deprive it from it

Question: 2.picture

Detailed Question: Why do countries want nuclear weapons? Because enemy countries have them, a demonstration of strength or technical prowess, achieving economic power, membership in the club.

REASON: 34 Possession of weapons of mass destruction is always a threat. Using it actually can cause significant and long lasting damage to not only population but also the environment. Prosperity will give more and more countries the capacity to build such weapons. So political will on global level is needed to limit the proliferation and to destroy existing weapons.

REASON: 35 zithromax rash The Kaiser clinic was always clean

REASON: 36 We see proliferation all around us: India gets the bomb and then, as a consequence, Pakistan needs it. Iran, N Korea. As proliferation grows chances for an accident increase, nuclear waste grows, and the world is less stable. If we could put a lock on it the world would be safer, but no one has any idea about how to do it.

REASON: 37 More important than proliferation, is to reach a global consensus, and achieve political stability in the countries owning nuclear weapons.

REASON: 38 The main reason will possibly be creation of other powerful means of mass destruction. that would give groups of people similar capabilities.

REASON: 39 You can never stop progress. Nuclear fission and fusion are fundamental for the whole universe and humankind will always be fascinated by these reactions. Unfortunately weapon is one of the many applications.

REASON: 40 It will take time to stop proliferation. it depends on government policies and difficult decisions for self-defense alternatives.

REASON: 41 Tough problem; progress seems a long way off. Perhaps solution will come only after an accident or discovery that fissionable material is being sold in the black market

REASON: 42 Technological developments might lower the strategic importance of nuclear weapons. Also a global consensus might be possible on the management of nuclear weapons.

REASON: 43 The zero energy sources and efforts of countries (India, China, South Korea, Japan) and NGOs like Keshe foundation might be the step for resolving this issue.

REASON: 44 Evolution in thinking.

REASON: 45 Mankind did not stop using any one of its own discoveries.

REASON: 46 A good first step would be for the main nuclear super powers to agree to abolish their nuclear ambitions and lead by example.

REASON: 47 Perhaps there could be technological solutions like nanobots that destroy nuclear weapons or some kind of rays (assuming Black Swan breakthroughs in nuclear physics) that disable nuclear weapons.

REASON: 48 The smartest politicians have failed to put a brake on the processes of proliferation. Perhaps a world agreement to destroy all nuclear weapons would do it, but that seems a long way off. How about very realistic simulations and games Develop lucrative uses for enriched materials; satisfy this new demand with currently stored materials, UN might buy all enriched materials from all nations with nuclear stockpiles and lock them up in safe and well guarded storage sites (e.g. US at WIPP) One use for the materials might be space propulsion systems like Orion. In other words find good alternative uses for stored radio active materials that might otherwise end up in wepoms.

REASON: 49 I support the views on alternative, peaceful uses of nuclear power, but weapons are weapons... Think of not less lethal, biological weapons, such as artificially created and spread viruses, health eroding food ingredients, polluted waters and air, radiation, numerous psychological weapons. Who needs them, can those who suffer from them hide or eradicate them? Even if a select elite collonizes Mars or other planets, they will soon or late destroy them, too. Despite my overall pessimism regarding human politics, I believe there are much more elevated powers in the Universe who will somehow aid the ordinary, sencere-hearted human out of all this absurdity, hopefully inspire and support the adoption of more humane social structures. After all, it is a known fact that all great human discoveries and inventions have a devine inspiration.

REASON: 50 The general public and global authorities` attention to nuclear weapons is big enough now, so just continue the efforts.

REASON: 51 There are still research activities running in the field of nuclear weapons and I think this is a sign that the biggest world forces are not ready and really committed on the process of proliferation. I believe it should be a forced decision for everybody. Not to wait that some countries start doing it and after to hope that the other will follow them.

Question: 3.picture
Detailed Question: Has been called a stain on capitalism and unfair; may be a product of corruption in some countries. Counter arguement is that high achievers deserve to have extraordinary wealth

REASON: 52 A lot of studies has shown that the more the equality the more general well being of a society is increasing.

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REASON: 54 equal distribution is not possible and may not be just, but certainly we need to dramatically reduce the income gaps and concentration of wealth, hence I would rephrase the question.

REASON: 55 “If the free interplay of market forces has produced an outcome where 15 percent of humanity are hungry while 20 percent are overweight, something has gone wrong somewhere!” - Bekele Geleta

REASON: 56 Technology will allow for more wealth to be created and also will provide the means to increase the wealth of the lower parts of the society. However change of thinking is required to allow for societies to understand that distributing the wealth is better that concentrating it. However the state as a universal wealth distributor has proven inefficient and prone to corruption. Hence global reach of philanthropic organisations and understanding of businesses and hte people who run them to return to societies will be more and more important in decreasing inequality.

REASON: 57 Those who posses more power and more money (whatever money's form might be) are not necessarily those with the highest intellectual potential or other unique natural qualities as it used to be before monarchies came into existence in history. I personally kind of miss the ancient natural leader, not inherited but elected by his folk, who fights for his folk's good as for his own, who leads his army personally, goes to war barefeeted, bravehearted, and ready to die from enemy rather than from shame. Look at the social organization in the Inka Empire, for example, it was a working communism with natural leaders and no internal social conflicts. Whatever is not natural, distorted, it is not beneficial to evolution itself, but nowadays it is even fashionable... This is the true inequality. The system is set in such a way, that speculants, sportsmen, showmen, etc. are appraised more than scientists for example who can truly help human progress. As long as the word ethics remains void of practicality, and the nobility of soul is no criterion for nobility in society, the term 'never' is quite realistic.

REASON: 58 The people who are rich have power, the people who are poor do not. The rich with the power have little incentive to change the system, so unless there is a revolution (not impossible) the time when this inequity gets corrected is a long way off. No crisis, no action.

REASON: 59 Well, maybe not within this century but the answer Never is too scary.

REASON: 60 Introduction of new currencies based on precious metals and basic monthly income for each citizen.

REASON: 61 Unequal distribution will exist until money will exist.

REASON: 62 The problem is not in unequal disttribution of wealth but in absolutely extremly unequal distribution with some individuals possessing more than a billion on ordinary human beings. Global Tobin taxes could help to some degree. 100% inheritance tax for all sums above 10 (or 100) million could also be helpful. (But what government would dare to introduce this?)

REASON: 63 Hopefully within this century the concept of money and wealth itself will be reinterpreted and a more adequate system will be implemented.

REASON: 64 support and awareness of businesses and people running them that giving back part of the profit trough different not-tax initiatives is the best way to create sustainability.

REASON: 65 I believe that the money will not be the only currency and paying method. In that moment the distribution of wealth will be changed.

Question: 4.picture


Detailed Question: In order to interfere with communications among terrorists

REASON: 66 This is important because if done properly, it can intervene in terrorist communications, money laundering, and recruitment. Done poorly, it can result in loss of privacy and freedom and attach the image of guilt to innocent people. And while it may be very helpful, ultimately, people are generally against intervention in Internet affairs.

REASON: 67 Today internet is the No1 source for information and control of the content means control over the available information. The issue is very important because control of internet content might shape the thinking patterns of great masses, thus shaping the future itself.

REASON: 68 I feel that I can live with terrorism, but not with that degree of loss of privacy. Terrorism is roughly global threat number 20 or 50 - the most overexaggerated risk.

REASON: 69 In my opinion in 25 years Internet will either be obsolete or very different from what we can imagine today and this issue will no longer be.(e.g. by means of technology human brains will be connected directly and one will be able to control the output himself)

REASON: 70 If means are available for decryption of all messages, authorities will not be too concerned about Internet, because they will be able to get early warning of possible attacks

REASON: 71 Control of internet should be never done. And it is impossible to be done, especially if Artificial Intelligence will be created.

REASON: 72 In practice it is impossible, the most that can be hoped for is for it to be monitored for activities that are socially harmful.

REASON: 73 This will be necessary when terrorism becomes more threatening, more lethal. Military commanders always cut off enemy communications first. Cutting communication between terrorists on Internet is an obvious and necessary step.

REASON: 74 The control of internet content is a fact and obviously it`s not negotiable.

REASON: 75 The issue is hard to resolve because it is sometimes impossible to even figure out that the content is controlled. International treaties that provide sanctions might discipline the perpetrators to some degree.

REASON: 76 Internet is a primary tool for mind control, created by leading intelligence agencies. Apart from legal measures, the individuals should develop their own understanding of what is acceptable or not, and discipline themselves not to surf all day long in the Internet and believe every word in it.

Question: 5.picture


Detailed Question: Includes issues of accommodation, resettlement, health, dignity.

REASON: 77 The amount of migrating people is not (at this point) sufficient to have significant impact on the future.

REASON: 78 We have to keep in mind the global refugee crisis, not the European one. About 60+ million refugeen now, and increasing...

REASON: 79 This process might remap Asia, Europe and Africa

REASON: 80 People will never stop migrating from one place to another in search of a better life.

REASON: 81 Cease the conflicts in the Middle East and providing funds and programs for well-being and social systems in the countries of Asia and Africa (perhaps LA), which should include zero/Eco energy and basic montly income.

REASON: 82 There will be many other refugee crises in the nearest future until the whole world will become a global village.

REASON: 83 The root of the refugee problem is socio-economic, so it is crucial that the underlying causes (poverty, inequality) are addressed at a global level.

REASON: 84 Again: western powers should stop waging wars and interfiering in the internal affairs of other sovereign states accross the globe. Post-war investment plans (like Marshall plan) in the regions people are fleeing from.

REASON: 85 The future holds intelligent robots and computers that will replace human labor. Therefore in that near term era, work will be even more scarce and will be a new and increasing incentive to migration. So this is a crisis that will extend well into this century.

REASON: 86 The refugee crisis are existing for very lonf time. The fact that we started talking more about them around the Syria crisis is not really serious. I believe Europe need common socio-economic policy regarding this issue.

Question: 6. picture


Detailed Question: The brain contributes certain biases and atavistic predelictions to to decision making and behavior

REASON: 87 An interesting topic. But societies should be constructed in a way that the well-being of the society should not depend on very specific knowledge of the human brain - the wisdom of the antique Greek philosophers should suffice.

REASON: 88 The issue will be resolved in the next century or only when Artificial Intelligence in the strong sense will appear.

REASON: 89 The mind is shaped to the largest extent by the social environment, so in that sense varying the social factors and examining their effect on the mind would be the best way to study the way it functions. And that could be done with the tools of behavioral psychology available today.

REASON: 90 Fortunately, artificial intelligence can outperform the logical pathwaays of the human brain, but cannot replicate its illogical right-side potential. This is where those who care about humanity must dwell further.

REASON: 91 For sure with the advanced research in that filed a lot of things will change in that regard. I believe we will be able to control, or a least to know how to control, much more action and reaction in a very near future. Is up to us to decide about the diffusion of this and till what extend, because can be really dangerous.

Question: 7.picture


Detailed Question: More women in legislatures,government, and industry,

REASON: 92 Gender inequality is mostly a social (or call it: cultural) effect, but it has also a biological source in gender-specific behavior of the homo sapiens. This will not be overcome.

REASON: 93 Equality is vital for a prosperious and just society. It is important to accept responsibilities as well as aquite privilleges. Better understanding and highlighting of processes like glass ceiling and feminisation of certain professions will shed additional light on the removal of inequality - the Scandinavian model have some profound expertise in regard of gender equality.

REASON: 94 Let us hope the problem will be resolved till the end of the century, but I am not sure of that. Maybe longer time will be necessary.

REASON: 95 Policy initiatives aimed at promoting gender equality in the workplace, along with active promotion of the idea in popular culture, especially in paternalistic societies.

REASON: 96 Changes are underway, thanks to the work of Cheryl Sandberg. Better access to childcare, the removal of the stigma that it is feminising to help in the home, all lead to fairer distribution of childcare responsibilities and work at home. Part-time or work from home is available by law to everyone in the UK after one year of work with the same company. Both men and women take advantage of that legislation. But it allows women to lead a more balanced life as both mothers and family-pillars and professionals.

REASON: 97 Most refugees are also economic emigrants. They seek not only physical survival and legal shelter, but also higher living standards. We should not keep silent on that some of them would simply prefer to benefit from the generous social systems of the western world, that is why they do not prefer poorer countries like Bulgaria. So, the crisis can be resolved with both political and economic measures aimed at generating stable peace and workplaces for the average population of the crisis region.

REASON: 98 Unemployment rates will rise with the introduction of artificial intelligence and advanced robotics; this will make it harder for all people who want to work and earn a living to find work and women are likely to be at the bottom, once again, of the competition for paying employment

Question: 8.picture


Detailed Question: Dealing with easy availability and misuse of guns and other weaons

REASON: 99 trazodone increases and arformoterol decreases sedation ziphealth viagra

REASON: 100 I think that mankind will never say farewell to arms.

REASON: 101 Policy measures can perhaps limit the use of arms to a certain degree but can never eliminate it completely.

REASON: 102 New arms should have self destruct property, for example, after a given time, an inaccessible weak link in the firing mechanism melts or destroys itself. Mandated on a global basis.

REASON: 103 Global regulation and nationalization of weapon production

REASON: 104 change in education

REASON: 105 I think is not necessary to allow to a civil people to use guns and have permissions to keep them home. There is no sense in this. Global regulation about this is needed.

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Detailed Question: What is meant by "worse off" and "better off" will be redefined as new ideas about an ideal life evolve

REASON: 107 I do not see the need for reinterpretation - we have already conflicting views about the future, optimistic and pessimistic ones. What should there be resolved?

REASON: 108 A second preferred group includes acrylic acid polymers and copolymers other than ammonio methacrylate polymers, preferably formed from acrylic acid, methacrylic acid, methyl acrylate, ethyl acrylate, methyl methacrylate and or ethyl methacrylate, and other methacrylic resins that are commercially available under the tradename Eudragit Rohm Pharma; Westerstadt, Germany, including anionic copolymers of methacrylic acid and methacrylate with carboxylic acid groups such as methacrylic acid copolymer, Type C Eudragit L30D 55 and L100 55 soluble at pH 5 lasix overdose

REASON: 109 There is an Eastern wisdom that the epochs make their heroes, I.e. in different times different qualities are requires. So one cannot directly compare among generations. Nonetheless, relaxing too much or dangerously reinterpreting certain fundamental human qualities, such as honor, dignity, compassion, etc., or notions, such as ethics, justice, or freedom, has obviously brought much harm to humankind.

REASON: 110 It is not true that new generations are worse off than their parents.

REASON: 111 - this project by Laurene Powell Jobs seeks to establish equal and novel opportunities for learning and education to all new generations. She wants to radically change the way children access and think about education. This initiative is one example of how the belief on the left is being challenged and will be subverted.

REASON: 112 A worldwide social revolution (hopefully peaceful one) might lead to a new system of values and redistribution of wealth, which could reverse the current trend which is, indeed, that the new generations are worse off than their parents.

REASON: 113 New generations are simply improved and developed version of our own. We need to learn our own genes.

REASON: 114 Parents need to learn understanding and forgiveness, and not exert too much pressure on their children. Discipline and values can be taught in a milder way, via natural respect and own example. Moreover, who said that parents are always right in their judgements?

REASON: 115 We defiantly need to educate the society about this upcoming trend. Otherwise there will be a lot of free space for manipulation and influence on certain decisions. We have to be aware about the huge potential, but also the danger for the human kind that all this future technologies and trends can bring in our lifes.

Question: 10.picture

Detailed Question: The definition of what is normal may be changing

REASON: 116 Again: What should be resolved there? The perception what weather is normal is already changing...

REASON: 117 buying cialis online safely The source of sporadic cases is often not apparent

REASON: 118 Weather patterns are changing due to global warming trends and only coordinated global effort to limit carbon emissions could potentially reverse that trend.

REASON: 119 The European Water Framework Directive.

REASON: 120 When we have the ability to control weather, at least to some degree, there will be much discussion about what is normal and desirable.

REASON: 121 Maybe the formulation of the issue can be improved, or at least better explained. To me, normal is what is natural. Is it natural to emit ozon-destroying gases, to cause earthquakes by lazer weapons, or to control human minds from the atmosphere with who knows what methods?! Natural is though the angry reaction of Mother Earth to all those interventions. Should only the little left indigenous populations care about the fact that we live not on soil, but on Earth, in a grand live organism who has its own Soul and intelligence?

REASON: 122 Regulations and following strict measures for everybody. (mainly for the large companies and polluters)

Question: 11.picture


Detailed Question: Usual definitions may not apply

REASON: 123 Another possible source of conflict between big powers.

REASON: 124 Negotiations within the Arctic Council (or another international body).

REASON: 125 Important question = UN declaration is needed as new land territory will apeare after ice melted

REASON: 126 UNO, yes, but by another decision mechanism, not to be permanently blocked by particular countries.

Question: 12.picture

Detailed Question: As economies based on collective ownership move toward private ownership, will attitudes toward capitalism change?

REASON: 127 If global poverty and inequality trends are left unchecked they could potentially grow to the extent that cause people to question seriously the viability of capitalism as an socio-economic doctrine, which in turn might change the views about the anticapitalist economies and societies.

REASON: 128 For the first time a socialist is running for president in the US; he has a small chance of winning the nomination of his party but to see him campaigning is nevertheless striking

REASON: 129 Green or ethical capitalism, social states, some closed societies forming around the world based on ecological farming, no currency, self-organization, shared work, etc., even working from home or from distance... all these are trends revealing attempts to correct for the modern slavery of traditional capitalism, as well predicted by the way by Marx.

REASON: 130 The financial crisis is an example of total failure of the capitalism system to provide long term financial stability. This opens new spaces for reconsidering the system and the basics of the capitalism generally.

Question: 13.picture

Detailed Question: Changing dogma may bring change in longstanding conflicts based on religious beliefs

REASON: 131 Dogmatic belief is one major source of conflict - and as it seems on the rise. As an atheist I sometimes think that mankind would be much better off without any religion... (But homo sapiens would find substitut reasons for conflict.)

REASON: 132 the problem will be resolved after several centuries, not earlier.

REASON: 133 Improvement in social and economic standards both within and across societies would ultimately diminish the need to fall back on religious beliefs to explain the inequities of the world.

REASON: 134 Education (but not in the hands of religious leaders)

REASON: 135 Islam must change its attitudes for good, their societies should stop the thinking of 1500 years ago and they will flourish.

REASON: 136 Claims by religions and religious leaders of superiority must be toned down or eliminated; since e such claims maybe a major source of continuing conflicts anong religions

REASON: 137 more education funds = less religious impact

REASON: 138 As long as religions, no matter which, continue to be used as ideological tools for mastering the masses, conflicts will persist. We arw now angry at Muslims, but we forget the catholic inquisition, the crusades, or even how forcefully Christianity was made the official religion in many countries, displacing ancient barbarian beliefs and rituals overnight. Belief is what softens the heart, not blood. Again, I call for individual judgement of any dogma, be it religious or political, based on fundamental human values that should be evaluated not from our own position and interests, but universally.

Question: 14.picture

Detailed Question: Big data may be seen as useful in crime fighting and in analysis of health threats and therapies

REASON: 139 Within a decade it will become obvious that big data is a source of a new kind of science in which correlations can be made to predict (in the way that physical science predicts) social cause and behavioral effect

REASON: 140 I think there will be a very big change in this regard. Something that will drastically change the way we use, save and exchange personal data and information. Big data, internet of things, cloud storage - this is just the beginning.

Question: 15.picture


Detailed Question: New leaders and new generations of citizens may reinterpret old political stereotypes

REASON: 141 In the US Trump is very distorted example of bombast over logic in politics

REASON: 142 We will see the first evidence of false persuasion in Nov 2016

REASON: 143 Fact checking in public elections should be mandatory; politicians should be required to produce proof of all of their assertions.

REASON: 144 The left/right division in politics belongs to the 20th century, looking ahead those old labels would have much less importance and need not be brought back to life.

REASON: 145 It is very important to find new meanings because left and right lost most of thei 19th century meanings but other cleavages appeared and we should embrace them before new anti-system parties form on them.

REASON: 146 I think that this definitions of left and right will lose power with the time and there will be much more coalitions that will focus on concrete task oriented approach.

Question: 16.picture

Detailed Question: Who are our friends; who are our enemies? Fertile topics for reinterpretation

REASON: 147 Real politik has been the name of the game since the beginning of time, and that calls for reinventing foes and allies whenever interests change, and so it will be going forward.



Detailed Question: Special diets abound. Will they change global food patterns?

REASON: 148 Diversity is the key. And science to support or deny the claims of different diets. And change of attitude towards food.

REASON: 149 There is noting to be resolved here. But: a less meat-centric diet could help the global environment (and, if not pushed foreward as an ideology, also individual health).

REASON: 150 It is a pseudo-problem.

REASON: 151 Special diets are not really needed as such but active efforts from governments to promote healthier life style choices, from exercise to quality control of nutrients in food is of essence.

REASON: 152 Eventual change of the global food habits and culture may define the future of the economy and possibly the size of the world population

REASON: 153 Trivial compared to other issues on this list

REASON: 154 Regardless right or wrong, putting this issue in the spotlight could be valuable to help shake the common food belief and food habits in a rising global food demand.

REASON: 155 this issue could only extend average human life

REASON: 156 cialis online reviews So the women with this disease can benefit from low dose tamoxifen either 10 mg every other day or by cutting the tablets in half, for a dose of 5 mg a day

Question: 18.picture

Detailed Question: Does belief in an afterlife change behavior? Will the belief change?

REASON: 157 I suppose mankind would be better off without belief in an afterlife.

REASON: 158 Centuries of progress in science did not do away with this old superstition. It will stay.

REASON: 159 It depends on what you mean by afterlife and in what sense it can be possible.

REASON: 160 Humans will always nurture some sort of belief for what comes after death, that fact will not change, but the afterlife scenery would certainly evolve in line with the social evolution.

REASON: 161 for more % believe in afterlife humans need some proofs of afterlife impact to life

REASON: 162 this belief will always be a part of the mystic side of the life

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Question: 19.picture

Detailed Question: Are we heading for the time when machines are smarter than humans and if that point is reached will it be pivotal?

REASON: 164 The capabilities of the machines will increase and they will definitely outsmart us, so the most we can do is to take all steps possible to humans to try ensuring we can coexist with this new species.

REASON: 165 As long as we do not really know what intelligence means, I do not fear intelligent machines. (I would perhaps fear machines with will, ambition, goals etc. Even stupid machines with these faculty...)

REASON: 166 If to live is the most important for an AI, we must be sure we will not become an obstacle

REASON: 167 It is possible to happen earlier than we can expect.

REASON: 168 Ultimately I think this is an inevitability, human progress would ultimately lead to the development of an AI and that in turn would be the undoing of the human race.

REASON: 169 The Internet of Things.

REASON: 170 Machines will conquer the world but without artificial intelligence they are just new types of transportations, services etc. and nothing more.

REASON: 171 All the concepts of artificial intelligence, the internet of things, etc. are probably very close of happening but are loaded with human characteristics that places inaccurate expectations towards them. Nature will win the (its) world back.

REASON: 172 Conquering is perhaps the wrong word; maybe better to say (and implement policies that encourage) provide significant improvement in the quality and outcome of human decisions

REASON: 173 this is not true = humans are creator of machines, and could recall machines anytime. But, it is very important to keep track of AI in human hands.

REASON: 174 This will for sure be the logical next development. Actually they already do control a lot of things and processes. The question is till what extend we as humans will allow the machines to control our lifes.

Question: 20.picture
Detailed Question: What constitutes progress may change

REASON: 175 if we change definition of progress (i.e. towards, say sustainability), this will lead to change with some implications.

REASON: 176 It is not true that progress is always good and inevitable.

REASON: 177 This is not a statement valid under all circumstances.

REASON: 178 The Internet of Things.

REASON: 179 Change is inevitable.

REASON: 180 progress is good as opposite is destructive negation leading to cancelling activities = this is not normal human behavioir

REASON: 181 The progress and change is a fact, no matter if somebody likes is or not. As human kind we are dedicated to the progress with idea we are doing something good for the future. The problems can appear in our capacity to manage the progress, not in the progress itself.

REASON: 182 online generic cialis 6 The amount of therapeutic medication that a covered horse receives should be the minimum necessary to address the diagnosed health concerns identified during the examination and diagnostic process

Question: 21.picture
Detailed Question: If it does not, then what will guide decision makers?

REASON: 183 History does not repeat - it rhymes. (Mark Twain)

REASON: 184 It is not true.

REASON: 185 As Herman Kahn said: Every fool can learn from the past. We should learn from the future.

REASON: 186 History repeats its self to us because we do not face it with complete understanding and responsibility.

REASON: 187 History is repeating at other regions according to the degree of development. Every civilization has a point when society need to read learnt lessons from history.

REASON: 188 The people learn from mistakes usually, but not always.

Question: 22.picture

Detailed Question: Is aggression innate?

REASON: 189 A new kind of psychology in which brain physiology/DNA/and imaging are correlated and the precursors to ambition and aggression are identified

REASON: 190 A great deal of aggression comes from fear, from egoism, and from perceived danger. The roots of aggression are slightly aside form ambition or as Napoleon Bonaparte puts it: “Great ambition is the passion of a great character. Those endowed with it may perform very good or very bad acts. All depends on the principles which direct them.”

REASON: 191 Aggression is a sign of weakness, so i believe there has nothing to do with ambition

Question: 23.What other issues or beliefs do you think should be added to our lists?
Detailed Question:

REASON: 192 Increased human intelligence does not necessarily mean better persons; the, how can we avoid creating more selfish human monsters?

REASON: 193 Add items about prospects/threats from biotech. Man remakes himself/herself (transhumanism). Signals or vestiges of extraterrestrials are discovered.

REASON: 194 Changing world educations based on the new technologies so less people be harmed and lost jobless and miserable in the developing countries.

REASON: 195 New forms of education and their role for the development of society. Development of Philanthropy, or giving without asking for return to oneself.

REASON: 196 Resolution of the energy demand

REASON: 197 How the foods, drinks and drugs, we consume are changing us

REASON: 198 Human migration to Mars. Converting the global economies from fossil-fuel based to clean energy.

REASON: 199 What behavioral traits are innate? (Including propensity to violence, and innate ethics). All diseases can be cured. Nature serves civilization. All persons are born with equal opportunity to excel; some will and some won't When you're dead, you're dead; There are ancient practices that would benefit our society Leaders are born, not made

REASON: 200 Contact with God

REASON: 201 - new planets where the humans could live, because of the fast growing population on earth

Question: 24.In the lists above, issues and beliefs were grouped into three categories. Can you suggest other categories that describe mechanisms which imbed seeds of the future in the present? Here are two that come to mind: funding of military developments, deterioration of infrastructure. Others?
Detailed Question:

REASON: 202 Increased human intelligence (mainly by artificial means)

REASON: 203 Perhaps a new category about secondary or unexpected impacts/effects of existing, well-known trends.

REASON: 204 Legislation affecting waste disposal. For example, big food chain shops in Western Europe now have began to distribute foods that near their expiration dates, for free to the public. Laws in the EU are changing to reflect the levels of concentrations of chemical compounds from personal care products, herbicides and pesticides, and pharmaceutical compounds, that will be allowed for discharge into water bodies.

REASON: 205 Agendas of nom government groups (e.g. UN Millennium Goals and terrorist objectuves)

Question: 25.Can you add developments for which there are no visible beginnings today or in the past? These would be Black Swans.
Detailed Question:

REASON: 206 extraterrestrial communication

REASON: 207 Cold Fusion might alter the global energy situation, providing cheap energy for food production, water desalination, etc..

REASON: 208 Education system at this stage of development of the society is dooming it to extinction. Change of education is inevitable in order to preserve the humankind. Rethinking of what education is is a must. A lot of processes are going looking for new forms of education. The technological progress, rethinking of the life of the kids and the need of formalized education (as opposed to creating a social environment for the kids in which they will thrive and leaving formal education as a secondary to it) might bring unexpected development which could create and shape the future society.So development of e new forms of education for humans might be a black swan. Development of Philanthropy as a way of life, or giving without asking for return to oneself might be a black swan, so much needed to improve the common good. Current behavioral science postulates that giving to others is one of the most important factors in achieving happiness of the person who gives.

REASON: 209 com 20 E2 AD 90 20Viagra 20Hap 20Yorumlar 20 20Viagra 20Posologia viagra posologia The Knights Templar spun off from the dreaded La Familia cartel in 2011, after infamous drug lord Nazario Moreno, aka ?? buy cialis generic online In the FALCON study, the EQ 5D 3L questionnaire was administered at baseline, every 12 weeks thereafter until progression, and at treatment discontinuation

REASON: 210 Control on human mind

REASON: 211 Anti gravity Long time retention and manipulation of anti matter Reprogramming human minds Proof the God is real Selective erasure of traumatic memories Remote detection of DNA for positive identification at a distance Speeding up learning by at least 25% by exciting peripheral brain cells Proof of panspermia theory (biological precursors permeate space)

REASON: 212 selective reproduction of human beings

REASON: 213 Intra-terrestrial communication (better understanding for/maybe even with the other species on our planet) Understanding that the humankind should be united (we may have to face non-friendly extraterrestrials)

REASON: 214 communication with UFOs and proved evidence for their influence on the humans